Check out some of our published work

Jan 2021
Ring In The Holidays With XD Prototyping
The Adobe XD Strategic Development team rang in the holidays and shared some of their favorite designs, prototypes and more—all made with Adobe XD.

Feb 24, 2020
Complete Guide to Creating Mobile App Wireframes
If you’re looking to better understand wireframes, how they fit in the design process, and how to create them, this is the guide for you. Here are step-by-step instructions to help you get started.

Feb 27, 2019
Meet Jill DaSilva of Digital Karma in Playa Del Rey
Today we’d like to introduce you to Jill DaSilva.
Jill, can you briefly walk us through your story – how you started and how you got to where you are today…

Feb 27, 2019
Adobe XD Pro Tip with Jill Dasilva
Adobe XD makes opening Illustrator and Photoshop files easy and helps streamline design workflow.

Feb 27, 2019
Pro Tips from Creative Pros: Jill DaSilva on Going from Illustrator to XD | Adobe Creative Cloud
Adobe XD makes opening Illustrator and Photoshop files easy and helps streamline design workflow.

Nov 06, 2018
Adobe MAX 2018: Key Announcements and What We Learned about the Future of UX/UI Design
“There are so many reasons why prototyping for voice is important in the world of UX design,” enthused Jill DaSilva, head of UX Strategy and CEO of design agency Digital Karma.

Aug 4, 2017
How SMC Helped Design Jill’s Life
Successful UX Designer and entrepreneur Jill DaSilva shares the inspiring story of how Santa Monica College helped her design the life she wanted.

Mar 21, 2016
How to Start a Career in UX Design
In the field of UX, wisdom of experience is key. The best way to gain experience is by doing. The best way to get hired is to build a portfolio of work.

Mar 16, 2016
To Swipe or Insert? That is the Question. Confusing Point of Sale Terminals
As the brick and mortar stores and banks in the US transition their POS terminals to accommodate credit cards with chips, I’ve witnessed a lot of confusion and frustration from patrons and staff alike...

Feb 25, 2016
How to Hire a UX Designer
Due to the overwhelming positive response I received from readers regarding my last post, I have decided to write a follow-up post and give more insight...

Feb 14, 2016
Hiring a Junior vs. Senior User Experience Designer
As I prepare for the end of my two-year-plus run of teaching the founding LA UXDI course at General Assembly (GA), I feel it’s time for me to finally post my opinion regarding the differences between a Junior and a Senior UX Designer.

Jan 22, 2015
50 LA Tech CEOs, Founders, Executives, Hackers, & Investors You Must Follow On Twitter
Step One: Login to Twitter
Step Two: Start Clicking Follow...

Jun 25, 2014
5 UX Best Practices That Will Make You Think Harder About Design
In LA, UX design is a huge component of General Assembly’s curriculum. General Assembly UX instructor Jill DaSilva shared some of the best practices she drills into her students in General Assembly’s immersive project-based UX course.